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Last Updated on August 8, 2021 by woodcutter
A lot of people claim to say that maintenance is only imperative at the onset of gardening practice. In a month, your land will be no different from the uninhabited land’s wildlife graze through haphazardly. While tilling and watering do their part in plant growth, only a steady and unpromising result is obtained.
This article stresses the need for fertilizer and how, with the right application, it produces plants worthy of your pride. A calculation is made on the 10 10 10 fertilizer application rate about land size. Overlooking this concept tends to burn the plant and kill it.
What is 10 10 10 fertilizer?
First, the tens before the word fertilizer represent percentages. Fertilizers are distinguished based on the essential nutrients found in them, Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium, shortened NPK. This means that this particular brand consists of 10% of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. Although different companies produce it, the only difference comes with components like calcium and magnesium.
10 10 10 fertilizer is an all-round gardening fertilizer that exists in liquid and granular forms. In its liquid form, the 10-10-10 fertilizer application rate is instantaneous but also short-lived. The quick delivery of nutrients becomes due in two weeks after applying, which to most is laborious.
On the other hand, granular fertilizer is termed a slow releaser because of time to the nutrient provision to the soil. It leeches nutrients into the ground slowly, so you should think of leaving a month before your next application.
The Nitrogen in the fertilizer stimulates leaf growth while phosphorus is essential for root development and shoots too. Furthermore, the other primary element potassium strengthens the plant against diseases and adverse weather conditions. In a nutshell, potassium keeps the plant healthy.
How To Apply 10-10-10 fertilizer per square foot in garden?

The 10 10 10 fertilizer application rate is deducted based on a formula on the plant requirement for Nitrogen. Nitrogen is the most needed nutrient for most plants. The average nitrogen application is 1 to 2 per 1000 square feet. This means that for land that is 3000 square feet, 3000 is first divided by 1000.
The result is then multiplied by either 1 or 2 to obtain nitrogen rates. To obtain the fertilizer application rate on the piece of land, we increase the nitrogen rate by 10. In this case, we get a 3 to 6 nitrogen rate as well as 30 to 60 pounds fertilizer rates.
In a nutshell, the square foot area is divided by 1 000, and the outcome times that nitrogen rate is around times ten. For lawns, you are advised not to exceed the 10 pounds per 1 000 square feet limit. Doing otherwise would over fertilize and kill your grass eventually.
Methods of fertilizer application
Applying 10 10 10 fertilizer is done in two ways, either by hand or a fertilizer spreader. Be cautious about using gloves if you choose to apply by hand. Also, proper clothing and a mask may be required to avoid skin contact. Throw uniform handfuls over your plants as you walk over your garden.
A fertilizer spreader saves time you spent on applying, but you might also need to use it by hand. This is for those hard to reach places in your garden. Try and avoid overfertilizing the bed edges when switching to the next rows. You can do so by switching off the fertilizer spreader and turning it on in the succeeding row.
How to ensure fertilizer absorption
Fertilizer settles in easier into the soil in the presence of moisture. After applying the fertilizer, you need to water your piece of land moderately. On the one hand, too little water overwhelms the plants with fertilizer, which causes them to burn up.
On the other hand, if you water your plant heavily, the whole exercise will be a waste of time and resources. The fertilizer is lost as it leeches out of the soil, which will end up an environmental hazard.
When is it best to apply fertilizer on my plants?
Timing is an essential part of fertilizer application; otherwise, the results of chaotic action are discouraging, and for example, applying 10 10 10 fertilizer before heavy rains occur results in nutrients leaching from the soil. In the long run, water bodies are contaminated, and fertilizer elements eliminate the species present die since oxygen.
You are encouraged to apply 10 10 10 fertilizer in the early spring shortly after plant germination. Fertilizing in winter is optional as plants are dormant during this period. Keep in mind that fertilizer doses are applied at least 30 days after the preceding dose—the two weeks spacing effects for the liquid treatments.
Caution: Application rates for 10 10 10 fertilizer
While fertilizer use is beneficial, overusing it in your garden or lawn had detrimental effects. One is planting burning, which is seen by the burned areas on plant leaves. Moreover, a more potent dose on the soil tends to cause soil compaction, which is evidenced by white crusts on the ground.
Apply the 10-10-10 fertilizer at a rate of 10 pounds per 1,000 square feet of lawn to provide the lawn with 1 pound of nitrogen. Never to exceed this rate.
These effects can be mitigated in time through water use, although it comes at a cost. As earlier mentioned, nutrients harm lakes and rivers when lost in the soil.
Excessive nutrients
10 10 10 fertilizer may be an all-rounder, but for some soils, it is best kept in your storage unit. Its balance of nutrients may prove non-beneficial for some plants. This is because some plants may require more of one nutrient than the other.
For example, the tomato could benefit from the 10 10 10 fertilizer in its early growth stages. When the plant starts to bear fruit, it requires less Nitrogen and more phosphorus nutrients. The tomato also blooms remarkably in the presence of calcium and magnesium. These elements rare or non-existent in the fore mentioned fertilizer.
An abundant supply of nutrients is detrimental to growth as you may nurture a plant that cannot bear fruit. Nitrogen excess supply hinders fruit-bearing in tomatoes. The use of 10 10 10 fertilizer overlooks the need for a lot of nutrients by the soil. This is because fertilizer varieties consider NPK levels and less of other essential nutrients like calcium and magnesium.
Test the soil pH
Instead of using the 10 10 10 fertilizer blindly, consider doing a soil pH test. You can purchase the test kit from your local garden center. Collect a soil sample and perform the test to determine the acidity and alkalinity levels. The results also state the soil deficiencies to decide which fertilizer or substance can regulate soil pH.
Existence of toxic chemicals
Another downside to the use of 10 10 10 fertilizer is the presence of toxic chemicals in it. These warnings are inscribed on your fertilizer package. While you may adhere to the instructions for applying the dose of fertilizer, there is still a risk of corrosion. The chemicals present in the fertilizer may affect your plant negatively, if not the soil.
Protective clothing plays its part in preventing you from harming the adverse effects of fertilizer on skin contact. It is, however, hard to predict the results of the fertilizer on people who surround you. The chemicals may harm pets and children upon contact, for example, if applied on your lawn.
FAQs application rates for fertilizer
Is 10 10 10 fertilizer good for my lawn?
10 10 10 fertilizer is the best fertilizer for your lawn because of the abundance of nutrients it holds. Be sure to observe the recommended application rate and water the lawn lightly after applying. In a few weeks, you will wake up to an eye-catching view of your healthy lawn.
What are other plants most preferable for 10 10 10 fertilizer use?
This type of fertilizer works best on trees, flowering plants, and shrubs. Also, vegetable plants such as lettuce and broccoli grow remarkably when 10 10 10 fertilizer is administered on them.
What are heavy feeders?
Heavy feeders are plants that use up nutrients quicker than most plants. Instead of the usual approach where you use granular fertilizer, these brands benefit most from a dose of liquid fertilizer. An example of such a plant is the rose. Note that you would need to reapply the treatment after seven days for optimum growth.
In conclusion
10-10-10 fertilizer application rate varies in plants as some may need stronger, instantaneous doses than other plants. In case you overdose, you notice signs of the plant burning or wilting, and you quickly flush the fertilizer away. Some opinions prefer to switch between fertilizers, but this does not deem the all in one fertilizer ineffective.
Furthermore, the toxicity levels predicted makes some consider using organic fertilizers. The shortcoming to this approach is that there is a slower release of nutrients than in 10 10 10 fertilizers. Remember, this fertilizer is, to some extent, beneficial and uses this fertilizer wisely when you have to.
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